Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Guidance Note on Form DPT-3 Compliance for FY 2023-24

Filing Form DPT-3 is a critical statutory obligation under the Companies Act, 2013, specifically governed by the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 2014. This requirement aims at ensuring transparency by reporting details related to amounts that are not classified as deposits.

Definition of 'Deposit' and Key Exclusions

Definition of Deposit: A deposit under the rules includes any receipt of money by way of deposit or loan or in any other form by a company, subject to certain statutory exclusions.

Key Exclusions:

  • Amounts received from the Government, banks, or financial institutions.
  • Advances received for the supply of goods or services, provided these are appropriated within 365 days.
  • Amounts received from directors or their relatives (in the case of private companies).
  • Subscription amounts related to securities, including share application money pending allotment.
  • Funds raised through the issuance of bonds or debentures secured by a first charge or a charge on company assets.
  • Any amount received against the issuance of commercial paper or other instruments issued in accordance with guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India.

Statutory Filing Requirements

Who Must File: All companies, except for those explicitly exempt such as government companies, banking companies, NBFCs, housing finance companies, and certain other categories specified under the rules, are required to file this form.

Due Date for Filing: The annual Form DPT-3 must be filed by June 30th of each year for the previous financial year.

Filing Fees

The filing fees for Form DPT-3 are dictated by the Companies (Registration Offices and Fees) Rules, 2014, and they vary based on the company's authorized capital and the timeliness of the filing.

Penalties for Non-compliance

Failure to comply with filing requirements can lead to severe penalties:

  • For the Company:

    • A minimum fine of ₹1 crore or twice the amount of the deposits, whichever is lower, which may extend up to ₹10 crore.
  • For Officers in Default:

    • Risk of imprisonment for up to seven years and a fine not less than ₹25 lakh that may extend up to ₹2 crore.
  • Continued Contravention:

    • A daily fine of ₹5,000 for each day the default continues.

Step-by-Step Filing Procedure

StepAction ItemDetails
1Document PreparationCollect and organize all relevant financial transactions that are exempt from being classified as deposits.
2Form CompletionAccurately complete Form DPT-3, ensuring all fields such as CIN, total amount of outstanding money, particulars of associated charges, and more are correctly filled.
3Attach Required DocumentsAttach necessary documentation such as auditor's certificate, details of loans, and other relevant agreements.
4Online SubmissionSubmit the form via the MCA's online portal. Ensure that this is completed before the deadline to avoid late fees.
5Record MaintenanceKeep detailed records of the filed forms and acknowledgments for future reference and regulatory audits.

Compliance Checklist

  • Pre-Filing Verification: Thoroughly review all the details in the form and attached documents for accuracy.
  • Timely Submission: File the form before the due date to avoid penalties.
  • Record Keeping: Maintain detailed and organized records of all transactions and filings.
  • Regulatory Updates: Stay informed about any updates or changes in the regulatory requirements related to Form DPT-3.
  • Internal Audits: Conduct regular internal reviews to ensure ongoing compliance.


Adhering to the Form DPT-3 filing requirements is crucial for maintaining compliance with corporate financial regulations. Companies must implement robust systems and checks to manage their reporting obligations effectively. Regular updates, comprehensive record-keeping, and proactive compliance strategies are essential to avoid the significant penalties associated with non-compliance.